It took, but Temer spoke. In a nutshell, the former president of Brazil, besides assuming that the maneuver responsible for Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment was indeed a blow, Michel Temer also confirmed the material released by #vazajato.

Perhaps Michel’s silence would be appropriate for the moment in 2016. For he was an unpopular vice president and little admired by Brazilians. The fact is, Michel Temer had never said what he said yesterday, September 16, in an interview for the television program Roda Viva.

The word coup appeared many times during the interview and at no time did the former president prove to be falling into a journalist trap. Intelligent and opportunistic, Michel Temer took the coup and demonstrated against the “inevitable” that would happen to former President Dilma Rousseff.

Repercussion of the words <<temer>> and <<golpe>>, today (September 17, 2019), on Twitter.

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