On the same day that the survey by the Datafolha institute is released, a survey that indicates that, for 58% of respondents, President Jair Bolsonaro does not have the capacity to lead Brazil, Bolsonaro speaks to supporters at an event related to agribusiness. On the previous day, the hash tag # Dia15VaiSerGIGANTE appeared on twitter.

Among the 500 most mentioned users of #Dia15VaiSerGIGANTE, at least 80% are automated profiles. Using weight degree, it is possible to see that automated profiles have more influence on the debate than real profiles.


President Jair Bolsonaro speaks alongside ministers, in an act of support for the government in Brasilia. The demonstration was organized by movements linked to agribusiness and evangelical churches. The President of the Republic arrived at the Esplanade of Ministries on a horse. Approximately one thousand people participate in the act, but the Military Police of the Federal District does not give an estimate of protesters. Before reaching the electric trio, President Jair Bolsonaro flew over the area by helicopter.

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