Bot Seeker Download

Thank you for registration! How to cite us. For now, that the article is not yet published, you can cite us like this: Silva, R., Martins, P., & Luiz, A. (2021, June 12). Bot Seeker, an [...]


On the same day that the survey by the Datafolha institute is released, a survey that indicates that, for 58% of respondents, President Jair Bolsonaro does not have the capacity to lead Brazil, [...]

Bot Seeker

An automated profile recognition software on Twitter Written in Java Script, Bot Seeker® is an automated profile recognition software on Twitter, known as bots. It makes calls to the Botometer [...]

The Data Miner

Big data, big data everywhere. …and when the data is big, the algorithms are the best. The Data Miner is a blog, but at the same time it is a repository of scientific articles, data [...]

#PrayFor (insert tragedy here).

The use of the hashtag #PrayFor social networking, turn into a universal response / tendency to terrorism / terror events around the world, but especially in the “West”. In 2017 [...]

The Blackout of Truth.

On October 16th, our big data analyst Rodrigo Silva presented at the 1st Conference Euro-American for the Development of Human Rights, held in Coimbra, the research entitled: The Blackout of [...]

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